Order of Blessing

An Order of Blessing for Delegates to the Joint Assembly
of the ELCIC National Convention and the ACC General Synod


This order may be used one Sunday prior to the Joint Assembly. If the pastor is a delegate, someone else should lead the order. View a pdf version of the Order of Blessing for Delegates.

Following the hymn of the day, the delegate(s) are called forward.


Delegate name(s), you have been chosen as a delegate to the first Joint Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada. We give thanks that you will represent this congregation and region at this historic gathering. We join with you in hopeful expectation that this time of worship, consultation and decision making will be a faithful witness to our full communion partnership and to the Christian faith we now confess together:

The Apostles’ Creed follows.


You are sent to this gathering to serve the whole church. Will you seek the guidance of God as you join others in making decisions for the church? Will you bear the reconciliation of Christ as you work with others to determine the will of God for the future of the church? Will you share the Holy Spirit’s joy in worship and work together. If so, Please say, “Yes, and I pray that God will help and direct me.”


Yes, and I pray that God will help and direct me.


People of God, will you support this Delegate in prayer? Will you pray for this first joint assembly and for the National Convention of the ELCIC and for the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada? If so, please say, “We will.”


We will.

The Congregation may extend their hands in blessing.


Delegate name(s), we bless you as you go in the name of God to serve us and all the people of God in the worship and work of this Assembly. The light of Christ shines in you. The Spirit of Christ guides you. God bless your travel, this work and your homecoming.



The prayers of the Intercession follow.

Intercessions for the Joint Assembly and for the leadership of the church should be included.