Resolution A170 R1

Subject: Supporting creation care across the church (2)

Moved by: The Rt. Rev. Michael Bird, Diocese of Niagara

Seconded by: The Rt. Rev. John Chapman, Diocese of Ottawa

Be it resolved that this General Synod

assist Dioceses in aiding parishes in the living out of a commitment to the 5th Mark of Mission by

encouraging Dioceses to:

  • Support the establishment and/or ongoing work of diocesan “Creation Matters” task groups;
  • Provide budget for staff support and the ongoing operation of a national level Creation Matters network.

encouraging parishes to:

  • Undertake green audits in partnership with Greening Sacred Spaces;
  • Participate in the Green-Up Database in partnership with the Canada Green Building Council* to establish baselines for the performance of buildings against which to measure energy efficiencies over time;
  • Stimulate the creation of funds to implement environmental improvements recommended in green audit reports through a combination of grants and repayable contributions;
  • Communicate their parish greening strategies and results

The listed partner organizations may be replaced or added to if necessary.

Source :  Creation Matters Working Group of the Partners in Mission and Ecojustice Committee

Submitted by:   Partners in Mission and Ecojustice Committee


Does this motion contain within it any financial implications?     X Yes     No

2013 budget of $15,000 already approved.  Ongoing funding would permit further greening of Anglican spaces.

If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications?   Yes    No  X


Anglicans profess that one way to understand mission is as “God-in-action.”  As this “fragile Earth, our island home” – its waters, air, soil, and creatures of all kinds – struggles for life, we seek to find God-in-action in our commitment to the Fifth Mark of Mission –

To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Our collective and individual voices must be joined by action in order to address the critical need to care for Earth as it already experiences precipitous change affecting all of life.

In the 2010-13 triennium, the Creation Matters Working Group sought to “green” Anglican spaces, according to 2010 General Synod Resolution A-180.  In partnership with the Canada Green Building Council, we collected energy data from 40 Anglican parishes across Canada.  Some parishes have conducted green audits with Greening Sacred Spaces, and at least one diocese has allocated $10,000 per year for three years for green audits.

From 2013-16, we aim to build on the previous triennium’s efforts by partnering with parishes to implement changes based on energy data collected about their facilities.  In early 2013, General Synod committed $15,000 in matching grants to parishes that Creation Matters Working Group will assist to further conduct green audits.

This operational approach will be undertaken in the context of a deepening understanding of God’s creation and our place in sustaining the web of life. Parish participation in green audits can help a parish come together to focus on a concrete project that supports God’s mission in the community and beyond.  Therefore, Creation Matters Working Group will continue to engage in raising awareness of ecological issues and deepening our biblical understanding, spiritual practice and liturgical life.


In the normal course, an ordinary motion must be passed by a majority of the Order of Bishops, and by a majority of the Orders of Clergy and Laity voting together.

Six members of General Synod may, prior to the question being put, require a vote by Orders, with a majority of each Order being necessary to pass.

If a question passes on a Vote by Orders, any six members (two from each of three different dioceses) may require a vote to be taken by dioceses.  A motion passes if a majority of dioceses (or a tie) vote in favour.

Source: Section 5 of the Declaration of Principles and sections 18, 19 and 20 of the Rules of Order and Procedure

If Resolution A030 is given second reading, the required majority will be all Orders voting together.